September 11th, 2009 — Engine, Wrench Turning
Bucky, our 2001 MX-5, gets the spotlight in this post. It was timing belt time and the interweb was not exactly forthcoming in great NB2 timing belt info, so this is my attempt to fill that hole.
September 3rd, 2009 — DIY, Exterior, The Sharka Rebuild
One of the final things needed for The Sharka Rebuild project was some paint work on the driver’s side lower door panels. Being an extremely professional car guy, I decided rattle cans were the only way to go.
September 1st, 2009 — The Intarwebz, Sharka pix
August 31st, 2009 — DIY, Exterior
This blog post is mostly a commercial for my newest Miata how-to, a fender-blinker install. Hit the post or just go straight to the install.
August 26th, 2009 — Sharka pix
August 22nd, 2009 — Exterior, Interior, Parts Review, Toys
A pictorial review of the discontinued and uber-rare KG Works vintage Mazda logo gift set. I got all 6 pieces. My robot helpers took to the lightbox for some photos. If you’re into rare Miata parts, you’re gonna like this blog post.
August 16th, 2009 — Photos, Mazda3, Non-Miata Car Pix
Drive-in movies still exist. I have proof! Photos!!! If you can call digital pix “proof” of anything that is…. anyway, check out my small report on taking a Mazda3 to a drive-in.
August 11th, 2009 — Racing
August 8th, 2009 — Elise seats in a Miata
There were a few more photos to take of my spiffy new Elise seats. Me sitting in the seat, an Elise seat in an NB Miata (my wife’s car), and some seatbelt receiver detail shots. And here they all are! Enjoy.
August 7th, 2009 — Elise seats in a Miata