June 25th, 2021 — Drives, ND2 RF
June 5th, 2019 — Drives, ND2 RF
July 1st, 2018 — Drives
I’ve not posted a road report for a while, and this one is a gem – Cape Royal Road near the Grand Canyon North Rim.
October 24th, 2017 — Drives, Events
October 17th, 2017 — Drives, Events
After so many years in Miatas, I have a huge Bucket List. In October 2017, I got to scratch off a bunch of items.
May 22nd, 2017 — Drives, Sharka pix
November 20th, 2012 — Racing, Drives, Sharka pix
This past October, I had the chance to attend a two day autocross event. I’m embarrassed to say that it was my first time aiming my bumper at cones in about four years. That means it was my first event with a big hair drier bolted to the side of my engine. You know, the one that’s been there for over two years.
Oh well, better late than never.
July 1st, 2012 — Drives, Guest Blogs
Geoff pointed out in an earlier blog entry that I drove 20 hours just to hang out for 16 hours. To be honest, the math kinda surprised me…I didn’t think to think of it that way. On the surface it’s true. But to me the 10 hours there and back (each way) was a part […]
July 1st, 2012 — Drives
Another drive around New Mexico. The magic that is NM-4 through the Jemez mountains is the focus of this one.
July 1st, 2012 — Drives, Guest Blogs