May 21st, 2011 — Polaroid, Toys
Vintage Transformers on a new kind of Polaroid film from The Impossible Project.
May 2nd, 2011 — Polaroid
I lugged my huge tripod and two cameras all over the Las Vegas Strip at night. My reward was six beautiful squares of chemicals, plastic, and memories.
March 31st, 2010 — Photos, Polaroid
Expired Polaroids? Yeah. Vintage photographic magic that was good to the last ca-click-wurrrrr. (Very little automotive content. Just little rectangles.)
March 13th, 2009 — Photos, Polaroid
The scene: 2 Fools Pub a few days ago. A bar, a glass of scotch (belonging to my darling wife). The players: me, my LED clip lights, and my beloved Polaroid SX-70, 1973-vintage. The shot: the cliche scotch glass on the bar with lots-o-bokeh shot. Ready? Set? Action! Ka-cliii….wrr…gnnk. huh? ARRRGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, a Polaroid is […]
January 24th, 2009 — Polaroid, The Sharka Rebuild
The huge news out of last week: I PASSED EMISSIONS!!!!!!! Oh my GOD! The weight that fell off my shoulders when I was handed the little piece of paper. You have no idea. I had no idea! I was apparently really really worried about it. The new 95 passed with no problems though. HC – […]
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