July 26th, 2010 — Tools & Garage
Part one of the revlimiter.net Mega Jack Stand Review. In this episode: the Harbor Freight 3 ton stands, the Torin 3 ton aluminum stands, and the ESCO 3 ton tripod stands.
September 11th, 2009 — Engine, Wrench Turning
Bucky, our 2001 MX-5, gets the spotlight in this post. It was timing belt time and the interweb was not exactly forthcoming in great NB2 timing belt info, so this is my attempt to fill that hole.
July 6th, 2015 — Bucky (01 MX-5), Parts Review, Suspension
Sharka and Bucky both got a new treat from Garage Star – delrin door bushings. They may not look like much, but these little pieces completely transform the Miata chassis.
January 13th, 2013 — Sharka pix
I’ve been thinking about this post for a while. Since finishing up with the NA6 interior really. Sharka has just felt so… good. Right. Perfect. Everything is exactly how I want it.
Sharka feels done.
July 17th, 2010 — Gauges, Interior, Parts Review
A fairly random and gushing review of the discontinued KG Works Independent Look Gauge Cluster. This is a holy grail for me. I’ve wanted one for a long long time. And now I have one. Read on for the full review.
July 11th, 2015 — Sharka pix
November 10th, 2009 — The Sharka Rebuild, Wheels
This blog post has been a long time coming. A long time. As long as I’ve been rebuilding my car since The Bonk. See, after I decided to rebuild Sharka, I started looking around for a new set of wheels. That was last November. I found these unique RP-F1s in June. I paid for them around the beginning of July. And now they are MINE.
May 29th, 2013 — Mazda3
Mazda designed the cabin filter in a first gen Mazda 3 so well that it requires 1300 words and 19 photos to show how to replace. Come on in and see the insanity for yourself.
April 27th, 2010 — DIY, Exterior
This is sort of a required step on my road to hardtop-only motoring. It didn’t seem like there was much information out there on this. There’s a ton of pages dealing with Miata soft top replacement, but not much on how to make a car look good with no soft top whatsoever. So, if you want to lose 37-42 lbs and turn your roadster into a speedster, read on.
May 27th, 2014 — Gauges, The Store
Within this post, there be pony. My Little Pony, in fact. Those not man enough to enjoy some pastel gauges should spend their mouse clicks elsewhere.
July 29th, 2012 — DIY, Wrench Turning
Got a smelly trunk? How about a lot of excess pressure in your gas tank? This post might be just the thing to fix you up. Maybe. I hope.
August 13th, 2011 — DIY, Interior
In this post, I repair and restore a 20 year old Miata dashboard from the 1.6 liter era. It took me a week and there’s a twist at the end. Check it out.
May 24th, 2010 — Tools & Garage, DIY
700 words on replacing a broken air compressor drain valve with a totally awesome ball valve. Because what’s better than spending $30 to fix a $3 broken part? Not much, my friends, not much.
Except for doing all of this with the help of a small robotic scorpion.
February 6th, 2017 — DIY, Stormtrooper (06 MX-5), Wrench Turning
January 27th, 2013 — Engine, Wrench Turning
Clutch maintenance time! Everything but the clutch itself. A complete Miata clutch master and slave cylinder swap lies within.
October 26th, 2015 — DIY, Wheels
revlimiter learns to work on wood. A bunch of shift knobs and a steering wheel get restored over a short six weeks.
December 26th, 2011 — DIY, Interior
I started restoring this dash last summer. It is now winter. That’s how motivated I was to keep going after I cracked the dash with my own repair process.
Not very.
February 7th, 2012 — Engine, Turbo
Yet more cooling system upgrades and tweaks. Thought I was all finished with my coolant reroute? Nah. I’d barely scratched the surface.
October 8th, 2014 — Interior, Parts Review
A full installation and review of the MiataRoadster short shift kit. I don’t mean to spoil things, but it’s fantastic. You need one.