Here’s a tiny project I’ve been working on for a few months – retro shift plates! I’ve long admired the ARC metal shift plates and wanted to do something of my own. I finally got all of the pieces of the puzzle together and have these in my store.
It’s more than just a little plate. You get 2 mounting methods and the hardware to do either along with the plate. You can either drill holes and screw the plate into place with the included tiny button-head capscrews, or you can glue on the screw tops and stick the plate in place with the included mounting tape.
Yeah, I lopped the heads off a bunch of tiny screws. That’s my level of insanity at the moment.
The plates are 20mm by 30mm. That’s quite small. They fit nearly anywhere. I stuck one all over Sharka for pix. Literally all over. I stuck it on the leather crash pad at one point, but thought better of posting that one.
The little plates are a combination of water-jet cut aluminum and an extremely fancy printed brushed metal sticker. It’s the same material that Mazda used to print the Miata/Roadster design for the OEM door sills. It’s quite resilient material. And being a sticker means it’s easy for me to print new and interesting patterns upon demand.
As I mentioned, these are in the store. Get your car a little something for the holidays?
These are fantastic. Expect an order soon!
Will you be doing a Fast and Furious 16 speed version? 😉
If someone orders it, I could make just about anything.
You know, you could probably sell a few of those to Eclipse guys and gals. Possibly even a few Supra owners such as myself, for the giggles.
One for a pedal bike (or a motorcycle) might be amusing too…
I like it though, reminds me of some of the plaques you used to see in old Corvettes. And in all honesty, it made me think about whether reverse is up or down on the Miata 6-speed… been a while since I drove that car, darned ice and snow.
A pedal bike with a dogleg!!! Love it.
can you make these in other shift patterns? I would like to buy one of your 5-speed reverse on right plates, but we would love to have a matching one for our auxiliary trans (3-speed dana spicer)
I can make them in any pattern! Just fill out a custom order form (for gauges or horn buttons) and we can get in contact.