I received a couple comments about my hacked up boot (what we call the vinyl cover for the soft top here in the States) after my last post, so I thought I’d give a quick how-to before I remove the soft top and render the boot useless. There’s not a whole lot to this mod. Still, a half hour of searching on miata.net revealed that there was not a lot of info out there about this.
Also, I realize that only like .01% of the Miata-driving world actually uses the boot. Hopefully this post is of interest to them. I, quite honestly, never go anywhere without the boot if the top is down. The top rattles otherwise.
See, me and rattles don’t like each other very much.
For real. This is all you have to do. Just slice the seam in the corner all the way up. It’s like Mazda planned for folks to put rollbars in their Roadsters. The boot pictured is for an NB. Sorry. I couldn’t find my spare, unmodified NA boot. The seam and modification is the same on both body types.
Since the boot is vinyl, it won’t fray if you don’t stitch it up. But it sure does look nice with the stitching. Many thanks to my darling wife and her sewing machine for this finishing touch.
Those of us with Beatrush side latches get a choice of either folding the latch down when the boot is on and listening to it rattle (Remember what I said about me and rattles?) OR removing the latch entirely in the summer. I present this third option: a small boot mod to keep the latch secured, unrattly, and with no removal required.
There ya go. No more excuses for not using the boot. Rollbar? Fancy side latches? Bah! Boot up and drive around in style.
I’ll leave you with the shot that inspired this posting.
[…] this article: Soft Top Boot Mods — RevLimiter.net call-the-vinyl, hacked, Mods, ocd, soft-top, states, vinyl, vinyl-cover Leave a comment […]
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Adam. Adam said: New blog post: hacking up your Miata's boot to fit around your rollbar. https://revlimiter.net/blog/s/1040 […]
Sewing machine to the rescue!
include me in that.01%. Same day I put in roll bar I modified boot. It just finishes off the top when it is down and looks pro.I have OEM latches and the boot stretches right over it.
Excellent! It does add a nicely finished look, doesn’t it? I still need to modify my NB’s boot…