Paint Blog 8: Shiny.

Out of the booth.

Out of the booth.

I had stuff to do and couldn’t spend time at the shop the next day. That meant no stripes on the bumpers until the next day. But that wasn’t a hardship – there were still a lot of small parts to paint.

Still, I stopped by the shop to grab a few photos. Couldn’t let a day go by without taking some pix!

Soul. It drips from this car.

Soul. It drips from this car.

Trying to capture the lower door.

Trying to capture the lower door.

When I saw Sharka parked on his lift, I just about fell over. There’s a bit of dust on top, but… damn. Such shine. I’ve never seen a Miata with this sort of paint. It’s jaw dropping.

The lower doors are stunning without that rock guard. I’ve never seen a Miata without it. You don’t really notice it when it’s there, but when the wavy stuff is gone, you see all these REFLECTIONS. It’s amazing.




Very Yes.

Very Yes.

Blended GV tail light panel.

Blended GV tail light panel.

Insert words here.

Insert happiness.

Oh yeah, the small parts!



Mud guard!

Mud guard!

Shiny parts!!!

Shiny parts!!!

I thought my own rattle can work was good. This smacks it around. This is some shiny shiny stuff. And, again, there’s no buffing or cut on these parts. This is straight out of paint.

Straight out of paint.

Floating happy hearts.

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  • Stoly says:

    Remember that one time you said, “done”? Never. Looks amazing and I can only imagine your excitement!

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