More Vent Rings! And a contest.

Satin black vent rings.

Satin black vent rings.

I’ve got a couple of new finishes of vent ring to show off. First is this satin black. Not bad eh?

Gloss vs. Satin

Gloss vs. Satin

The satin version has a little bit of metal flake in it. It shows the angles of the vent ring much better than the gloss black finish does. I was a little worried it wouldn’t be much different than the material around the vents anyway (which has a semi-gloss finish) but the metallic quality shines through.

My powdercoater rocks. That’s all there is to it.

Wrinkle finish!

Wrinkle finish!

And then there’s Wrinkle Finish. Yes, it must be capitalized.

Wrinkle vs. Satin

Wrinkle vs. Satin

Honestly, I’m stunned. I really REALLY expected the wrinkle finish to look just like the OEM dash parts it was covering up, but that isn’t the case at all. If even the smallest bit of light hits it, you get this amazing metallic shine off the wrinkles. It’s GORGEOUS.

If I hadn’t already started powdercoating various things on Bucky in gloss black, I’d be seriously considering swapping out the old gloss vent rings for these.

Team Black

Team Black

Gotta catch ’em all?

If you want some vent rings, you know where to go. I’ve got a huge pile of them.

The Contest

I mentioned something about a contest, didn’t I? Miata of the Month Miata of the Month

MazdaRoadster is doing a Miata of the Month drawing this month (as they do every month). But this time, the winner gets swag from my shop! $100 to spend on whatever they like from my store. Check out the thread for full details. And good luck!

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  • Stoly says:

    I like those! Any thought of being able to offer different colours into the metal flake mix i.e. having the “glitter” be red, blue, orange, et al?

  • GT-Alex says:

    I LOVE the Wrinkle Finish ! Could be a nice match to a wrinkle roll bar !

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