Check out the full Garage Vary Nostalgic Tail Lamp install! For those who don’t read Japanese, this might be helpful.
It hasn’t quite been two months since painting (I was supposed to wait at least that long before applying vinyl), but I could not wait to install these tail lights any longer. Plus, the nice weather is due to go away soon in favor of winter. So. Without further delay, I present Sharka’s New Ass!
Yes. That’s the good stuff. Sharka is looking good. Got his ass in the air all proud. Yes, his. As I’ve previously mentioned, Sharka is a boy car. I did not pick the gender. He’s just not feminine.
Now check out the post title again. Yeah. That’s how we do it here at Blog posts about asses.
But wait. What’s that shiny badge under the keyhole?
This is a Mazda RX-2 badge, imported from Australia. I searched ebay for just the right badge for weeks. Most vintage text-only ones like this went on the center trunk lid and were huge as a result of the placement. It was very difficult to find a small one that would fit in the available area on the GV tail panel. But find it, I did.
It is not plastic. It’s some sort of metal. Chrome dipped, with the letters painted black. It’s heavy and awesome and well worth the price I paid. It adds a nice touch to the vintage panel.
I’ve been looking at this Garage Vary kit for about 8 years now. I never saw one in person till I took it out of the shipping box. And now, to see it over Sharka’s bumper? Yeah. It’s good. It’s a big change from the tail lights I’ve been looking at for 10 years. It might take a little getting used to. But as of about 24 hours after the install, I’m very happy.
It looks outstanding! I’ve been following your build thread since seeing it on and I have to say I love what you’re doing with Sharka; this is no exception.
And you’re not alone…I think of my car as a boy too. Referring to it as a girl just seems odd.
Thanks! And thanks for following me from build-threads. Since I was featured, I’ve been following THEM! They have a great site.
I’ve had girl cars before. They always seem like high maintenance…
Greetings from Japan!
Dude, I’ve never seen such cool Miata, or say I have noticed that Miata could be made to look this cool. The butt part was one of the “offs” about the Miata. Especially those tail lights. But man, yours
lookin’ good.
thankyou for the install blog! I just ordered a set myself and itwas a huge help
Excellent! Glad to help. I was just wondering the other day if the install would ever help anyone since these tail panels have become a little harder to find.
Good news! Rspeed now is taking orders for a group buy for the Garage Vary Nostalgia tail lights. Speak to Joseph, he is the best!!
Just received mine.
Thanks again for the installation information and inspiration.
BTW – really only two (2) bolts holding on the panel and some double sided tape???? Should I consider adding some threaded stems (either by affixing with espoxy or fiberglass from the inside) at the locations where the old tail light lenses attached.
Any estimate on what it should cost to have the same painted?
Threaded stems are a great idea!!! However, the next time mine is off, it’ll be getting blended and bonded into the rear fenders. No more seam!
Paint: I paid $200 to get my GV panel and an NB2 front spoiler painted.
Greetings and Happy New Year (almost)!
I came across a Lotus Evora the other day. It has single LED tail lights that appear to be very close in diameter to the GV tail lights. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any specs on them or any help on Lotus I was looking for a diameter with and without the outer chrome ring and the depth of the unit. It also has a single round LED back up light and a single round LED rear fog light.
Have you looked at this as a possible conversion? I’m also looking for a wiring diagram to determine voltage to the units. The following is a link for a supplier in the UK