Paint Blog 12: DONE.

Like the best Christmas gift of all time, all wrapped up.

Like the best Christmas gift of all time, all wrapped up.

(You can click all of these pix and see larger versions.)

I went into Carmer’s this afternoon. I was eager. I was painfully eager. I was going to drive Sharka home.

The above scene is what I was greeted with. The shop was empty. I walked back and found Sharka all wrapped up like the most epic gift imaginable. Like a Gran Turismo game cover. Like a dream.

But first, we have to back up a couple days. On the last episode, I’d wet sanded the new paint.

Look at that reflection.

Look at that reflection.

Like a blue mirror.

Like a blue mirror.

Polished at the hands of a master.

Polished at the hands of a master.

This is what was going when I stopped at the shop the day before. Three stage polishing. The fuzz all over the top is from a new wool bonnet. Even with the fuzz on top, the shine is amazing.

On that bottom shot, I’m standing 15 feet back. There’s sharp details visible on an object 15 feet away from the paint.


This is not what I ordered. I didn’t ask for this. This is beyond my craziest dreams. This is more than I’d ever hoped for.

OMG Sharka!!!! HI!!!!!

OMG Sharka!!!! HI!!!!!

Sitting in the sun.

Sitting in the sun.

Getting some bake into the paint.

Getting some bake into the paint.

Sharka sat out in the sun for most of the day after the first round of polishing. The paint was pretty soft and buffing marks were appearing too easily. That called for some sun baking.

Bucky was beyond happy to see his brother. I swear he drove better for the rest of the day. Not that Bucky drives bad. Just… better. ha!

Those pearl white stripes totally defy photography. I am gonna have to get out a tripod, macro lens, and sit taking every possible exposure for a while to show the flake in the stripe. It’s SO easy to see in person, but the camera can’t quite seem to capture it.

Back to the unveiling.

Can't believe how awesome.

Can’t believe how awesome.

Yeah, that’s where we came in. Sharka was covered up to keep the dust off before pickup.

I seriously think this was the most awesome way to find my finished car possible. Epic is a valid description of this scene. Seeing Sharka like this will stay with me to my last breath.

About an hour of work remained. I stuck on the fender winkers and air splitter while Ken mounted the mirrors and fixed final details in the paint.

Then I threw on the Star Sharks.

Then we were done.


We could be Immortals, just not for long.

We could be Immortals, just not for long.

Just not for long.

Just not for long.

Live with me forever now.

Live with me forever now.

Pull the blackout curtains down.

Pull the blackout curtains down.



Click the damn pix. They look much better larger vs the small blog view.

I have no words.

I never dreamed it would be like this.

I backed the car out and parked in front of the shop for final pix.



The dream.

The dream.

The car actually looks like this. It looks almost fake in the photos. Like a rendering. I actually desaturated the blue because it just looked too unreal to me.


I carefully drove home.

Home at last.

Home at last.

Can’t believe it’s done.

Next up? The hardtop needed a couple minor fixes. I’ll pick it up from paint next week.

I’ve also got like 4 rolls of film I shot with my vintage F3. I’m gonna put those all in a mega film post. And I need to do an epic photoshoot somewhere. Need to do that SOON.

For tonight, it’s done. Tonight, I’m free.

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  • Nick says:

    Mazda would be proud, Adam.

  • GT-Alex says:

    Those stripes are so shiny I discovered new dirty sports on my screen. Nice job !

  • Star says:

    Wow! Just….WOW!!!!

    Considering the difference in detail between the small and the larger pictures, I can’t imagine what it would look like standing there in person and looking at it in the sun

    Are you ever going to stop for a moment and consider how you can arrange a waterproof cover on WHILE you are driving because…well…it will get dirty?? 🙁

    Or was that just me…in a moment of delirium and OCD reaction to the perfection??? 🙂

  • James says:

    Beautiful! I looked forward to every update on this project. Looking forward to your future photoshoots.

  • steve in ky says:

    This is unbelievable. I hope you enjoy it.

  • Stoly says:

    Dreams really do come true! It has been fun watching the entire process. Without a doubt, you had the right guys for the job, yourself included.

  • Davisharr says:

    Wow, looks SOO great, as a man who has been working at a bodyshop, I have to say I have never seen our shop pull out a job that looks that fantastic! I hope that one day I will be able to have the skills and cash to pull of a fantastic build like you did with Sharka!

    • revlimiter says:

      THANK YOU!!!! That’s some high praise.

      Folks stop me in traffic to complement the car. That’s something that’s never happened before. The paint really is beyond nice. Carmer’s outdid themselves.

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