Miata turn signal intakes, or TSIs as the cool kids call them, have interested me for years. There’s a half dozen different styles and there’s at least as many ways to make a set of them yourself (DIY). For years I’ve been indecisive about what style I wanted, so I just left it alone. Then the Zest style started to grow on me. It’s similar to the ABS plastic one that they sell here in the states, but it has these retro-looking round indicators. Love them.
Nice, huh? But pretty hard to get here in the states. Plus, I’m not crazy about how far those small indicator lights are recessed. I’d hate to spend a couple hundred and then be unhappy and start hacking up my rare Zest TSIs…. so, I bought the things you see at the top of the post here. They were $55 on ebay. The lenses were broken and melted, but the housings were otherwise perfect. Buy-it-now, a few weeks wait for shipping from Puerto Rico, and I was on my way.
Yeah. Allergy pills. I’m not gonna explain my madness.
A little work with my dremel turned that sad little half moon hole into a nice, sorta sad roundish one.
Yes, I have indicators. They are dead ringers for the Zest indicators. Same size and shape. They’re for a scooter. I found them with Google’s shopping search. Four of them were $9 plus shipping from China.
Very exciting bondo action here. Even more exciting is trying to keep your camera clean while you bondo and shoot.
I’ve not had a chance to work with bondo for a little while. It was enjoyable. The sanding is a very Zen exercise. It came out far nicer than I’d hoped.
Here are three of my four blinkers. The bottom is unmodified and just for reference. I wanted something with a dual filament bulb, so I sourced some bulbs and sockets that would fit. The middle one is drilled for the new socket. The top one is drilled and has a spiffy bracket on top to mount the indicator on the TSI. The top two got some clear silicon to seal up the holes after I shot this.
The Zest indicators are able to be mounted on the side of the TSI duct. The way mine are put together, the little screws would point up and down if I mounted my indicators like that. It’s picky, but I didn’t like that. Instead, I created these 90 to 180 degree angle brackets. The juuuuuust fit in the turn signal hole.
Not bad. The indicators stick out just enough and are a good match for my Zoom Engineering side markers. And I’ll get this out of the way now, I took no close-ups of the lights lit up. I’m ashamed. This will be fixed soon.
And finally…
I’m very happy with how these turned out. They look just how I wanted, gave me a couple weekends of garage work, and didn’t break the bank. I just hope those pill bottles hold up…
I was browsing and I was like, whoa, why haven’t I seen these yet?!?!? Then I looked at the date lol.
I <3 them, like really. They rock.
FWIW, the light housing shape on the TSIs is the only thing I don't like on mine (same ones).
That montego paint looks badass!
My spam filter caught this!?! I have no idea why. Stupid spam filter.
And thanks!!! I’m SO happy with these. Happy enough that I forgot to take pix of the lights in both modes. MAYBE when I get around to those pix I’ll have new wheels…
Very impressive work.
Nice work! I ran a similar intake and turn signal kit in Japan http://www.flickr.com/photos/koich/189260076/in/set-1519437/
My issue with the kit was: you need a bright bulb to create enough ‘load’ so that the turn signal doesn’t blink too fast. But the bright bulbs also caused the lens to melt. I forgot what the wattage was, but there was a fine balance there of brightness and melting the lens. I went through a set of lenses before I found the right pair. Keep in mind that the Japanese Miata doesn’t utilize this as a parking light, so it melted just by using it as a turn signal……
I’ve not had a problem with load, actually. Mine blinks at the standard rate. And, after over a year, I’ve not had any melting problems.
One of the beauty things about buying that virtualvillage set of lights is that you get 4 of them. If you melt one, you can replace it and still have a spare on your shelf.
Hi, Those are cool looking. I was wondering if you could tell me where you got the indicators from. Very nice work.
Here you go. Sorry for the extreme delay. I never noticed your comment.
this job is so perfect!
=) You’re too kind.
Jut wanted you to know that your walkthrough prompted me to have a go myself. First time I’ve every attempted something like this but I decided to have a go anyway using your instructions. I did my own write up as I went along. Hope you like the result – it’s down to you and Sharka inspiring me to get the job done! See it here http://www.mx5nutz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=67647&st=0&gopid=851947&#entry851947
That looks outstanding! And you’ve never used Bondo before? I’m impressed!
These look great and a inspiration on doing something unique to your Miata.
Is there away to use the existing socket and twist it in like the existing housing on the turn signals or is the blinker housing too small?
I *think* these are meant to work like that from the “factory” or wherever these turn signal intakes actually come from. The problem is that the stock bulbs are too much and melt the housings. I think. I’m not sure.
If you follow the link to Nutz above, Drew has actually done something that twists into the new motorcycle marker housings. It’s really slick.
Hey guys – slight change of plan there! That was my original design but I couldn’t get capless lamps over 5w for the twist fit and the lamp sat too far back. I ended up pulling apart the stock indicator lamp holders and using the internals and the seals from these. Drilled a hole the same size as the rear seal in the back of the indicator housing and passed both wires through the rear seal. Currently running 10w lamps (which flash quicker) but will uprate as soon as I find small higher wattage lamps to fit. Hope that helps – need to update my nutz posting with the solution!
These little blinker housings can handle a lot of heat. I’ve got dual filament bulbs in mine so they act as both marker lights and blinkers.
Looking forward to seeing your solution!
I love what you have done to retro-ize those TSI’s! And I’ve been looking everywhere for some used ones, but I can’t find any under $100… any suggestions?
Just keep checking on ebay. That’s where I found mine. Maybe the classified area on Clubroadster? But really, the cheap ones will probably be ebay.
I was planning this project kept looking for TSI put it on hold then last week I picked up a set KG Works Type B TSI for $40. Just luck out.
Hey, I keep seeing your cold air intake on google, I am trying to make up one of my own along with my own tsi’s. i have a 96 montego miata too and im trying to do up a cold side intake, but i have a shortage on space to jam a filter in. I see the one you made(to prove air went into the headlight airdam thing) but did you relocate your coolant tub and a/c relay bracket? this is really bugging me.
Hmmm. I bet you’re seeing this image?

This following one will explain it a bit better.

I used to have a coldside supercharger. It ran very poorly and I dumped it after about a year. But I did do a lot of work to improve it, of which one project was to make a real intake for it.
I’ve seen a few N/A NA coldside intakes on miata.net over the years. None were really great. The headlight motor gets in the way from making something really nice like the NB guys can do.
Anyways, yes. I relocated the coolant tub. I put in a small one from a civic on the hotside of the motor. I also relocated the charcoal canister to the hotside. Running without that canister made my garage smell like gas after I parked.
ohh, yea i dont have a supercharger haha, that makes a little bit of a difference. i guess ill be better off running it on the hot side. i just didnt really want to make up a heat shield, but maybe ill give it a shot.
Again a custom solution that looks almost OEM.
Let me know if you decide to sell these in your store. If you offered a pair ready to paint for a reasonable price, say twice the $140 that Goodwin charges, I’d be quite interested.
Hey Adam! Just wondering, how many coats of paint and clear coat did you use? Just painted my turn signal intakes, but couldn’t get it as shiny as yours…
Sorry, I have no idea. I did this back in 2009. My memory for coats of paint used isn’t that good.
What dual filament bulb did you use for your TSIs?
THAT is a good question. I unfortunately don’t know. The bulbs came with one of the motorcycle light sets I bought. And I bought… 3? different sets. Quite a few.
When one burns out, I’m going to have a fun time replacing it.
Just a little update, I found replacement bulbs here: http://www.snydersantiqueauto.com/3857. They were $1.85 a piece plus shipping, but I imagine you could get these at any motorcycle shop. Thanks for all of your excellent write ups revlimiter!
THANK YOU!!! I have to order a few of those before I need one and forget about this link. Much appreciated!