Tag: Nardi

Arts and Crafts

Steering wheels as art.

I acquired a new steering wheel for my collection the other week. But this post is not about that. I’ll have a post dedicated to that beauty soon. This post is about the wild idea I had when trying to figure out storage for my steering wheel collection.

See, I’d been using a shelf in the garage. The wheels were all protected in their original Momo and Nardi boxes, but they were still out in the garage. Not the best place for such beautiful objects. And definitely not where I wanted to store my new M2 steering wheel. It is such a piece of art.

And that’s when the idea hit me. Art. It deserves to hang on the wall.


Steering Wheel Collection- 2009

The revlimiter.net steering wheel collection as of 2009. I got a new wheel for my birthday, so I took the opportunity to pop them all in the lightbox for some detail shots. The Decepticon Mighty Muggs helped out.