I met some buddies at the track on a warm January afternoon. We had the whole place to ourselves, so between sessions, I got the cars to pose. See, I brought my F3 film camera. And I savored every click of the shutter.
Not much in the way of text for this entry. Really, I just wanted to share some of the better film pix. These were shot on a roll of Fuji Reala 100. This stuff is excellent. Similar to the Reala 400 (go figure), but with more saturated colors and finer grain. And cheaper! I’ll be keeping some of this film around for sure.
The white NA belongs to my buddy Jim. It is an extremely early car. One of the first few hundred built. Jim campaigns it in CSP. It has a 1.8 motor, a Link ECU, coil-over-plugs, full suspension work, and other such goodies. All done by Jim.
I’ve known Ben almost exactly as long as I’ve been into Miatas. This is Ben’s 2nd car. His first (the source of the titanium hood) died in a wreck much like the first Sharka. This car has an extremely-upgraded DIY turbo. It started out as a Greddy kit and has evolved into much more. The power level and torque curve feels almost identical to Sharka. I’d not be surprised if the two cars were within 10 hp of each other. But Ben’s has a lot more rubber.
Good times! Nothing like a little impromptu track day. Can’t wait till the next one! I need more film. And more rubber.
Would you ask Jim if he ever made use of that BPW head I gave him?
I don’t think it worked. =(
I officially hate you Adam,
It’s -24 celcius here today, and snow/ice covered roads make this impossible here. I wish I could work on my car all year round without fear of losing a finger….
There’s always Snow-cross though I guess, I’ll be sure to send you photos!
Snow-cross? Sounds intriguing. Cold, but intriguing.
It’s Autocross in the snow, very (very), slow, and icey.
Take place at Capital city Speedway in Ottawa, Canada.
Baiscally built for ice-racing.. Ice racing is 500$ beaters racing on ice. Sounds barbaric, but what motorsports isn’t?
hehe. All the best, if you want to trade spots for a week of vacation, I’ll leave you my mx5, and I’ll take sharka for a weekend.