The engine swap / turbo install moves forward! Been somewhat slow going so far. I keep getting distracted by things like rewiring my headlights or swapping out horns or doing jack stand reviews.
The pile. I can wave bye bye to that spiffy carbon fiber intake, the RB 4-1 header, the crappy stock radiator, and a bunch of other stuff. I didn’t take photos of the removal, cause, well… that’s boring.
The radiator was likely never drained. Ever. The coolant that came out was brownish/black. And not from an oil leak or a cracked head. Nope, this engine runs fine. This was just ancient fluid. The only way to tell what it was (other than seeing it drain from the rad) was to smell it.
Got a nice aluminum one from Koyo ready to drop in.
The 95 has 4-wire coil packs. The 97 had 3-wire coil packs. That means all those spare coil packs in my garage are worthless to me now. Time for a garage sale….
Boring shots, but useful to me. I need to figure out where these lines go on the 99 manifold. After a year of not running that engine, I’ve forgotten.
This makes life SO much easier. I really do know what I’m doing. Haven’t cracked a manual yet for this engine swap. But not having to ask myself “now which bolt holds the coil pack on again?” is really worth the effort of using the little baggies.
And now for new parts!!!
The heater hoses are about 1″ in diameter. So I ordered 1″ diameter heat shielding not thinking there was any problem. Annnnnd….. it took me nearly an hour to force the sleeve over the hose. I really really needed to buy 1.25″ or 1.5″ sleeve.
I sometimes amaze myself. The idea of buying slightly larger tubing never entered my mind.
I fabbed up these little plates to test out the functionality of my EGR system. That’s the official line anyway. And since they’re on the back of the manifold, I wasn’t sparing in the RTV.
The big RC Engineering injectors are slightly visible too. With optional clip on adapters!
After spending a weekend taking stuff off, spending a few minutes installing the intercooler was a great reward. It looks great in Sharka’s mouth. And it fit pretty well too. I had to bend the power steering lines slightly. Like less than a quarter inch. The big heat exchanger fit in the space perfectly.
Even with his guts hanging out and the power disconnected. Even on jack stands for the foreseeable future. Sharka has soul.
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