There’s a thing going around Instagram right now, the Black and White Photo Challenge. I would link to the hashtag, but I have no idea how to do that with a desktop browser. Anyways, I was tagged. I thought I’d put up a quick post about it.
I don’t often shoot b/w. I like playing with color too much. But, for me, black and white is all about night photography. I love shooting b/w at night. Sensor noise becomes an almost artistic choice rather than a nuisance that should be crushed in post processing. Color balance worries go away. Shapes and lighting become everything. At least this is how I feel about black and white. I should definitely practice with it more.
Camera settings were full manual. 1/40th at f/1.2 (love my 50mm f/1.2 Nikkor), ISO 12800. That’s as high as my D800 goes. Noise is present, but not distracting. Very minimal processing was done in Photoshop.
On the way back home, I was stuck at a light. My camera was in my lap at the time. I grabbed it and snapped this one. The bokeh forced me to post it. Quick snaps don’t often turn out so well, at least for me, so I was super happy.
If you’re reading this, I challenge YOU to turn the colors off and do a bit of black and white photography! Every camera should have a black and white mode. Give it a shot. See what sort of art you can create. And if you’re on instagram, tag me with it! @revlimiter is my username.
I still owe you a BW. You’ll note that I haven’t posted anything to IG since you tagged me. Just gotta find the right one. I may wait until next Friday 🙂
HA! Nice. I still owe someone an ass-challenge photo. That one has been due for about a week at this point.
Love it.