Sharka has 50,000 miles on the clock now. Fifty! Not bad. By most standards, the car is almost broken in.
It only took 20 years for Sharka to reach this point. A blog post and small celebration were called for.
50k didn’t sneak up on me. I’ve been watching the clock closely. It was actually going to happen during a work week commute, and that didn’t seem like any fun at all. So I parked Sharka till the weekend and had Bucky fill in the whole week. I needed to have my little co-pilot along after all.
She fell asleep right after we hit 50k. The face in the photo above is the face of a tired little toaster.
Harriet didn’t see what all the fuss was about. We boosted (she DEMANDS the boost). Then we cruised. Then I counted down to something and kept her awake. Then there was cheering and photos. Then it was snooze time. Nothing like a nice exhaust note to knock out a little girl every time.
Some 50k photos were required. Yes, there’s a little girl sleeping in the car below.
I truly had no idea where life would take me when I bought the car at 31,000 miles. I never expected to be hitting 50k with a daughter in the passenger seat. I didn’t expect to be making my own parts or still be so involved in the Miata community. I’m not sure what I expected.
Actually, I wasn’t really thinking of the future back when I bought the 95. I only knew I needed a Sharka in my life and would do whatever it took to get him back.
And now here we are. Here’s to another 50,000, Sharka. And, of course, all the miles in between.
Shit, only 50000 miles? I don’t know how you resist the urge to rack up a lot more than that.
The honest answer? Sharka’s natural environment is on jack stands. As I type this, he’s on stands. I took the pix, then put the car right back on stands to do more tweaking.
I love tweaking. I love driving too, but I honestly get the most joy out of working on the car.
I’ve been thinking we need another gathering of friends in ABQ next spring… Please plan on adding at least 1000 more miles to Sharka then. 🙂
At first glance, I read “please plan having at least 1000 more Miatas.”
I would love that. 1000 Miatas here in town. It was an epic picture in my head.
Sweet!! You interior has inspired me to make mine much nicer. Just wondering where you got the chrome knobs, to adjust the heat setting on the HVAC. I have not seen them in a blog post, or anywhere on your site.
If you can ket me know where you got them and if you made them, Id appreciate that.
The little chrome sliders are, I think, IL Motorsport from Germany. They’ve been on Sharka for years. I’d honestly prefer something a bit different, but these are VISIBLE at night due to the reflection. That was my requirement – being able to find the sliders easily at night without fumbling around.
They’ve worked well for a decade.