I have a confession to make. I’m a bit of a nerd.
I’ll let that one sink in for a minute or two. I’m sure it comes as a surprise to many of my friends and readers.
I’m a Trekkie. Been a Star Trek fan all my life. I’ve gone to conventions. I’ve had photos and trading cards signed by cast members. I’ve seen every series multiple times. I’ve read most of the novels. I can quote damn near whole scripts. I love Star Trek. And the revlimiter-family Christmas tree reflects that.
For the first time ever.
See, I’ve been collecting these Hallmark Star Trek Christmas ornaments for 19 years now. Nineteen YEARS! I bought my first one in 1991. And I’ve never put them on a tree. They’ve been out of their boxes only a handful of times. And if Hallmark had taped the boxes shut, these ornaments would have likely NEVER come out of their boxes.
Why? I have no idea. I have many many small Japanese robots in my collection. I never leave those in their boxes. I take them out and play with them! And photograph them. And repaint them. And love them! That’s what they’re meant to do. But these Star Trek Hallmark ornaments have never been displayed. They’ve never been hung on a tree. They’ve never been plugged in and lit up. Until this year, 2010.
I have no idea why I waited this long.
All of these pix are real. They really light up like this. I turned off the rest of the lights in the living room and shot these hanging on my tree. No fake photoshop lighting effects. I’ve had most of these for over half of my life and I never knew how magical they looked when lit up.
Confession #2: I’ve lost nearly half of my Trek ornament collection. No idea where the rest ended up. I’m pretty horrified about this. I saved some of these all my life only to lose them. I have 7 hanging on my tree. I used to have over a dozen.
So let this be a lesson: Play with your toys. Use your nice things. Drive your vintage cars. Bring out the good china. Make plans to wear that nice suit or dress that’s hanging in the protective dust bag. Hang your ornament collection. Because life is short.
“I have a confession to make. I’m a bit of a nerd.”
Thankfully, I wasn’t drinking coffee while reading that.
written in Klingon. IN KLINGON. Awesome.
Nuqdaq ‘oh puchpa’e? 🙂
“Where is the bathroom?” /….. ha!
it’s the only phrase I ever learned and remembered.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Adam, Huberific. Huberific said: Friend's blog post: "I have a confession to make. I’m a bit of a nerd." https://revlimiter.net/blog/2010/12/star-trek-christmas […]
These are AWESOME! I used to be a huge Trekkie, but it waned for me over the years, I was a bit disappointed with Enterprise and the movies after First Contact and it just withered on the vine for me.
At one point I had over 300 VHS tapes of Trek and the reason Ange and I went to Vegas to get married was so that I could visit the Star Trek experience (she’ll tell you it was to do with Elvis, lies all of it).
I used to stay up late on the weekend to record the original series. It came on at 10:30-12:30 on Saturday nights. I had the whole series taped off broadcast with the commercials removed manually. Nerdy. =)