I’ve been collecting aftermarket Miata keys for a little while now. The collection is reaching critical mass and I thought I’d take a few photos and play with my toys.
Toy playtime is important you know.
The first two are Royal Clover Pole Position keys. They’re the ones I’ve had the longest and the ones I use in Sharka. Please ignore the poor photoshoppery over the cut key pattern. I didn’t want to post my actual key.
I bought the first one around 2009 when I got my KG Works gift set. The 2nd one was a gift from Geoff (Stoly) after I lost the first one helping him replace his radiator. He very kindly gave me one of his spares only to have my original turn up a few weeks later in a bush in my front yard.
One Pole Position is silver and one is “gunmetal.” Can you tell the difference? It’s really dang subtle.
A while later, I added this trio of lightweight “titanium” keys. They’re made by an Italian company called Silca, I believe. They ARE very light weight. Lovely anodizing too.
This Zoom Infinity key was another gift from Geoff. I’ve only seen one for sale on Yahoo Japan once. It’s crazy rare. I’m not sure if Zoom Engineering of Japan is the one responsible or not. It’s very pretty.
The Royal Clover Silhouette key was a recent addition. This one eluded me for a couple years. Finally I got lucky and scored one on the CR classifieds. It’s even fresh in the package. I’ve taken it out a couple times.
This trio is also a recent addition. My buddy Bo traded me these keys for some Miata parts. I’ve seen the EUNOS Silhouette key once before, but the others are totally new to me. These might be the rarest keys in my collection.
The jewel is the big Eunos key that Starscream is holding. It’s got some heft to it. The epoxy dome is a bit yellowed, but that doesn’t matter. It’s still a gorgeous key. I’m lucky to have it in my collection.
And these are the two crown jewels of my key collection.
The Silver Queen key by Royal Clover. It’s gorgeous. It’s HEAVY. It is… amazing. I never bought one for myself. Always meant to do it, but I just never went through with it. My buddy Corey gave me this one after I made him some gauges. Sent it to me with a very kind letter. It is and will always be the pinnacle of my key collection.
Will I get it cut someday? If Sharka gets crushed again and I have to get another NA to rebuld him… yes. This will be my key at that point. But until then, she’ll sleep on her satin pillow in a shadow box with a steering wheel.
THIS might be the rarest Miata part I own. The legend goes that this key fob was given to members of the Pit Crew Racing Club in Japan when someone joined. You didn’t get into the club with a Pit Crew body kit. An exhaust wouldn’t help you. No amount of money could get you in the door. You had to have THIS key fob. Show it at the door and you’re in.
Is the rumor true? Who knows. But it’s a fantastic story, and an amazing piece of Roadster/Miata/MX-5 history to have in my collection. This was also a gift from Geoff. It sits in the same shadow box as the Silver Queen key with the Zoom key attached. I sometimes gaze at it and wonder if the Pit Crew Racing Club still exists.
Nope. No problem at all. I can stop any time I want.
As for the bots, it was all I could do to pry them away from their video games. They play this thing ALL day. I have to pull the plug and force them to recharge at night. Starscream has been the worst. He’s been trying to top Prime’s high score for a month.
(Thanks again for the awesome video game console, Edgardo!!!)
And huge thanks to everyone who’s helped me on my key collection quest. It’s a fun collection to have, but the gifts and help finding rare ones along the way are what has truly made it special for me.
The addiction continues… 🙂
FOREVER. hahaha
Speaking of things that are related to starting the vehicle, there’s a fairly good chance I’m going to get an engine start button and put the words “ANY KEY” on it, for my Supra.
I shouldn’t have to explain that one haha.
I…. don’t actually get it. Are you planning to disable the key system?
“Press Any Key To Continue” is probably what he’s going with.
The whole “Where’s the Any Key” joke from Simpsons I believe.
Thanks for the kind words. Had no idea the Queen held such a value. Was more than worth it for the gauges you did that now again hang over my bed in my new apartment.