Retro HVAC Panel – Final Version

The final version! Only 14 prototypes to get this far.

The final version! Only 14 prototypes to get this far.

Finally. FINALLY!!!! I’m done with this tiny part!!!

14 test versions. That’s what it took. The one on Sharka is version 15. It was not an easy process. I have something like 100 hours into it. A whole black ink cartridge just for HVAC panels. My die cutter has been screaming for mercy.

A perfect fit. OEM quality finish.

A perfect fit. OEM quality finish.

The one in the preview post used a matte finish top coat. That looked… okay. Not great. Not bad, but not perfect. The matte finish dulled down the red and turned the black into a dark grey. It wasn’t quite something I’d pay for. Not something I’d be proud to sell either. And certainly not something I’d put in Sharka.

I scrutinized the stock panel and realized what I was missing. A semi-gloss finish. The stock HVAC face has it. It’s ever so slightly shiny at certain angles and it matches the surrounding plastic. So I ordered more cold laminate and waited.

And the semi-gloss finish was perfect.

Retro HVAC in black

Retro HVAC in black

I love how this looks. The all-black panel looks incredible in my not-so-humble opinion. Very vintage Japanese. Just like I wanted it to look.

However, Sharka has the AWD metal overlay, which I had to reinstall. And the little chrome slider blobs couldn’t just sit in a box. They allow me to see where the sliders are pointing at night. Sooo…

Sharka's new HVAC panel.

Sharka's new HVAC panel.

So shiny. So retro.

So shiny. So retro.

Just what I wanted.

Just what I wanted.

To me, this is a huge change. Dumping the little pictograms on the AWD part in favor of something a little more retro looking has been on my to-do list for a while. Seriously. I care about tiny details like that.

And to be completely honest, I can imagine removing the metal overlay after a while. That all-black panel just looks so right. I think if I had a chrome fan knob to balance out the sliders, it would be perfect.

Oh yeah. What’s it look like at night?

Amber tinted beauty.

Amber tinted beauty.

A match for the gauges.

A match for the gauges.

3 of those 14 prototype versions went into getting the lighting the right shade and as even as possible. Lighting with my AWD panel has always been quite spotty. The left side was super-bright. The right side was pretty bright. The center was dim. And now, that’s all a thing of the past.

Optimus Prime - product model

Optimus Prime - product model

Oh yeah. Almost forgot. They’re for sale too!

They’re actually a huge pain to make. The difficulty in producing them is why I don’t really offer custom HVAC panels like I do gauges. I can do a set of 5 gauges in less time than it takes me to make the 2 small HVAC pieces. But it doesn’t feel right to charge MORE than a gauge set for this small part, so… I’m keeping the price of the HVAC just under my gauge price.

But really, I don’t care if I sell zero of these. I just wanted one for me. For Sharka. And it was worth all the work.



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  • Matt says:

    I love the attention to detail you put into each part you create! The final version is definitely a better looking (particularly in the lighting area) than the “prototype” version. It’s a shame that more people don’t put forth the effort that you have with such a “simple” piece.

    • Adam says:

      Thanks!!! Yeah, the lighting is definitely better. But the satin finish is light years ahead of the matte finish. So worth the delay.

      And thank you very much!

  • Garett Langenbacher says:

    Those are absolutely flipping AWESOME! I am so excited that you produced this! After I installed the F1 guages with the vintage Mazda logo I got from you recently, I kept looking at the HVAC panel and thinking of how mismatched they are. Well done Sir! I will be purchasing a set from you after my wedding next month.

  • Phil says:

    Where did you find the AWD HVAC overlay?! I’ve been looking everywhere and can’t seem to locate one!

  • Billy T says:

    Again I am amazed at your work I follow you blog and read all of the stuff on you website. Your craftsmanship of these parts makes me want to buy the HVAC controls and Gauges even though I don’t own or plan to ever own a Miata.

  • spindiscs says:

    Arghhhhh, your attention to detail, very Zen, very Freudian.

    • spindiscs says:

      As much as I like AWD stuff, there is too much shiny metal for the console. Your black one on its own has my vote, with maybe a thin ring around the AC circle to tie in with the guages.

      • revlimiter says:

        Funny… That’s exactly how I have it setup now with my 1600 dash. Took me 8 months for your comment to sink in. 🙂 I just have to take pix of it.

  • Chris B says:

    I don’t think I’ve fallen in love with a Revlimiter piece quite like I did with this one. The Revolver gauges are piece of art, but the HVAC panel takes to a new level. It looks fantastic without being overstated or like an obvious aftermarket add-on. I had another NA owner ask me if Mazda changed the panel on the later years. That’s a true testament to how well this piece flows and fits in the interior.

  • Greg says:

    Where did you get the slider knobs from? I always wondered.

    • revlimiter says:

      They’re IL Motorsport items from years ago. I’ve had the sliders for like 15 years now. I got them so that I could see where the knobs were in the dark. Chrome makes them visible at night thanks to reflections.

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