Tag: photonerd

The Shark and the Xebra

A real, live girl posing with a Miata? No way.


Greased Lightning

Greased Lightning

Just a quick blog post to show off a photo I snapped of Sharka during a lightning storm. Greased Lightning – one exposure for 3 seconds.


A Classic Alliance

A Classic Alliance

A new Plastic52 photo. I don’t imagine this one will be very popular, but I wanted to play with my long-stacks G1 Prime in the lightbox. The fact that the Revoltech Megatron gun fit so perfectly in his hand made this a MUST-SHOOT. =) Plastic 52, week 3.


Prime 52 – week 2



The idea for this shot was an easy one. I walk someone named Grimlock between 2 and 4 miles a day. =) If only all ideas were this easy.


Prime 52 – week 1

The Hunted

The Hunted I decided to restart Plastic52 on flickr. That’s where you take a picture of the same toy every week for a whole year. I finished my first year of Optimus Prime pix a while ago and tried to do a 2nd year with the Decepticon Revoltechs. I couldn’t consistently come up with ideas […]


2009 New Mexico International Auto Show

The big, Motor Trend sponsored auto show came though town recently. My camera and a few buddies from work went with me for the opening on Friday afternoon. Though MANY manufacturers were missing, it was a good time. The event was lightly attended, yet the cars I wanted to shoot were very popular. I didn’t […]


Ka-cliiii…..wurr…..gnk. NO!!!!

Scotch n

The scene: 2 Fools Pub a few days ago. A bar, a glass of scotch (belonging to my darling wife). The players: me, my LED clip lights, and my beloved Polaroid SX-70, 1973-vintage. The shot: the cliche scotch glass on the bar with lots-o-bokeh shot. Ready? Set? Action! Ka-cliii….wrr…gnnk. huh? ARRRGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, a Polaroid is […]




The huge news out of last week: I PASSED EMISSIONS!!!!!!! Oh my GOD! The weight that fell off my shoulders when I was handed the little piece of paper. You have no idea. I had no idea! I was apparently really really worried about it. The new 95 passed with no problems though. HC – […]