There’s a very talented guy on named Shintaro Maeda. He draws stuff. Awesome stuff.
Shintaro started offering these customized cartoon Miatas as avatars for the MR users. I was smitten immediately. I’ve used a cartoon Sharka on my site here for years, but I was never quite happy with it. I took one look at the stuff Shintaro was like “THAT’S IT!!!” So, I asked him for two custom Miata illustrations – a front and a rear. Both of Sharka.
Perfect. Just perfect. This little drawing exceeded my expectations. I’ve set it as my avatar on just about every Miata forum I’m registered on. The front is great, but the rear is just what I’ve always wanted.
But I couldn’t stop there.
I commissioned a bunch of tiny Miatas from Shintaro to use in my blog comments. So now, users that don’t have a gravatar get a randomly-chosen Miata avatar from my small fleet. And the random Miata persists across all comments left on my site (as long as you use the same email address). Overkill? Never. Leave a comment and see what tiny Roadster my blog chooses for you!
And if anyone out there needs some illustration work done, give Shintaro Maeda a shout. I’m beyond happy with everything he’s done for me.
I’m just posting a comment to see what car I get. 😛
<-- just updated mine on to have the rear quarter shot. :)
Aww that’s awesome Adam, dare I say that Sharka has never looked so adorable 🙂
Adorable is right.
Shoot. That’s the one Miata I don’t have (anymore).
No silver NBs in your collection?
Look great!!
Zats good stuff.
That is awesome!
Sharka trading cards next? Possible additional use for the drawings. 😀
The trading card idea is possibly gold.
When can I order the Sharka model kit?
THAT’S WHAT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a Shapeways 3D printed model of this.
Great toons Mate and thanks for your help with my window problem all fixed now Regards Paul
Testing this out!
Where did that picture even come from whaaaaaaaaaat, i’ll try without a website.
If you ever signed up for a Gravatar, it’s tied to your email address. I have two emails registered with them. One gives a forward-view Sharka and the other gives this fine ass-shot. =)