Hey there! Yeah, you. The one browsing my blog, wishing I’d update it with some Miata stuff. I have a favor to ask of you.
Go vote for Sharka in the 2012 ClubRoadster calendar!
The top 13 cars get to be in the calendar. At the time of my posting this, Sharka is languishing in spot #10 after one day of voting. He’ll probably fall out of the top 13 today at the current rate of voting.
So, could you lend a vote? It’s just a few moments to click on the site, select Sharka, and then scroll down to the vote button. Not much work, but it would mean a whole lot to me.
You can vote once per 24 hour period per IP address.
Thank you!!!!
By the way, this is the photo that hopes to make it into the calendar.
Sharka made the calendar! I think he finished in position number 6. HUGE thanks to everyone who voted for us.
Thank you both!!!
Voted today and I’ll vote again tomorrow 🙂
As repayment, I would like to see a nice long DIY post on something that required a lot of fussing over and featuring gratuitous use of Optimus Prime; the leather covered dash would be nice 😀
I’m kidding, of course, my vote is just a tiny way of saying thank you for running such an awesome blog.
PS: Do you have any info on the black miata with the DAMD (e-type esque) front end conversion?
Never mind, my “hover over the picture” skill was put to use, the black miata in question is owned by JDMPalace.
Yeah, JDMPalace’s Pitcrew car. Isn’t it gorgeous? Really hoping that one makes it into the calendar!
and thanks for the vote!
It really is a beautiful conversion, though I can’t help but feel that the bonnet could be reshaped to make it appear seamless; Its giving me all sorts of ideas for my dream Miata project 🙂
No problem on the vote. I voted once yesterday, hit the back roads and drove to my friend’s house, voted there and then voted again today from the studio. I’m keeping my finger’s crossed for yourself and Sharka.
voted! i cant believe you’re not higher than 8. your pics are insane
Thanks. I appreciate it very much.
Voted! Have also spread the word on Farcebook and Twitter.
Sharka rocketed up last night. Gracias for the help!!!!
Would have liked to have seen this sooner, sharka has the best blog on the net and seriously deserves this.
Thanks!!! Sharka made it in. We’re July if I remember right.